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Men have to learn from trees in the conduct of their lives. If man is interested in the profound nature of the tree, it will in turn, not only by analogy, open the way to his own understanding of human nature, but also always bring us back to ourselves and to the essential! Gemmotherapy, also called "Medicine of the buds" forms a part of phytotherapy still largely unknown to the public due to lack of accessible publications on the subject.This treatise shows the many similarities between a tree and a human being: embryologic, symbolic and energetic but also physiologic and therapeutic. It summarizes the known medicinal properties of each bud. To do this, a computerized compilation of all the properties mentioned in literature was undertaken based on the reference publications in gemmotherapy. This computerized tool allows to theoretically associate several buds to determine the most effective combination for the organism. This opens perspectives for the development of integrated gemmotherapy: the combination of different bud extracts with each other, with nutrients and with various extracts.May this synthesis work contribute to the development of gemmotherapy that will be part of the medicines of the Third Millennium.


  • Licencié en sciences botaniques de l'Université de Liège, Philippe Andrianne a acquis l'expérience dans un laboratoire d'homéopathie puis dans une firme de compléments alimentaires avant de fonder son propre laboratoire, de développer la recherche sur les plantes et l’argile et ses nombreuses applications. Il s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux propriétés des bourgeons.Philippe Andrianne exerce actuellement la profession d'herboriste dans les Ardennes belges. Son expérience de plus de 25 ans, l'a amené à enseigner. Il donne régulièrement des conférences et des séminaires spécialisés en rapport avec l’herboristerie et les plantes médicinales.

Auteur(s) : Philippe Andrianne

Infos techniques

Editeur : AMYRIS

Auteur(s) : Philippe Andrianne

Publication : 1 septembre 2012

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre broché

Poids (en grammes) : 1020

Code(s) CLIL : 3827

EAN13 Livre broché : 9782875520128

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