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Christian Piaget

A propos de l'auteur

The Poetry

The poet is the one who senses the life to come, the stream that descends upon us, luminous and joyful. "Someone fills this reed with His melodious breath. I can only sing. I feel the hand of a master artist painting a great picture on the canvas of my imagination and the evolution of the world.

Geobiologist, healer, soul broker, medium, passionate about natural medicine and creator of several perfumes with high vibratory rates, I publish and transmit an ancestral knowledge under divine inspiration at ASSA Editions. During the courses of meditation in consciousness and the seminars that I give, under the guidance of the ascended Beings of Light, I open the doors of knowledge to the seekers and aspirants of the Self, of the plenitude and the evolution of the consciousness.

May the ideal of Unity, Purity, Divinity, Love and Peace radiate for the future of humanity.

Christian Piaget
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