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Born in Hong Kong on the fifteenth day of the fourth lunar month in the year of the Tiger, Suzy might be an incarnation of Chang’e, the Moon Goddess. All she knows for sure is that since her birth, she has been protected by three age-old invisible and mischievous spirits: Godmother Qing Yi, learned Godfather Wen Chou and rough Uncle Jia Zi. As a child Suzy was spoiled rotten by everybody at the brothel managed by her grandmother Wong Su Xi, who had once been famous under the name of Suzie Wong. Our Suzy had a blissful childhood until a mysterious fire killed her mother and destroyed the floating brothel. Sent away to a boarding school, Suzy found she had a gift for feng shui. After graduating summa cum laude, she decided to reconcile with her six uncles and aunts. It would not be easy; they were scattered all over the globe, and each of them involved in either a sleazy business, a dark occult science, or both. But what really happened that fateful night? What drove the Wong family into exile? Will Suzy dare to return to her roots in Hong Kong, in the Aberdeen harbour, where Grandma Su Xi, abandoned by her family and only a shadow of her former self, is waiting?

“Suzy Wong and the Spirits” is intended for a mature audience.


  • Virginie Broquet (auteur)

    Virginie Broquet est une artiste française, dessinatrice et scénariste de bandes dessinées. Elle réalise également des carnets de voyage et diverses illustrations pour l’édition, la presse, la publicité et la mode.
    Distinctions :
    • 1er prix du festival de BD de Sierre ;
    • prix « Alph-Art Avenir » du festival de BD d’Angoulême.
    Œuvre phare : Carnet du Sénégal , avec Richard Bohringer.

Auteur(s) : Virginie Broquet

Infos techniques

Editeur : GOPE

Auteur(s) : Virginie Broquet

Publication : 4 avril 2014

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre papier

Poids (en grammes) : 290

Langue(s) : Français

Code(s) CLIL : 3771

EAN13 Livre papier : 9791091328227

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