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DEATH SPEAKSAt night, in winter, when the snow-flakes fall slowly from heaven like great white tears, I raise my voice; its resonance thrills the cypress trees and makes them bud anew.I pause an instant in my swift course over earth; throw myself down among cold tombs; and, while dark-plumaged birds rise suddenly in terror from my side, while the dead slumber peacefully, while cypress branches droop low o'er my head, while all around me weeps or lies in deep repose, my burning eyes rest on the great white clouds, gigantic winding-sheets, unrolling their slow length across the face of heaven.How many nights, and years, and ages have I journeyed thus! A witness of the universal birth and of a like decay; Innumerable are the generations I have garnered with my scythe. Like God, I am eternal! The nurse of Earth, I cradle it each night upon a bed both soft and warm. The same recurring feasts; the same unending toil! Each morning I depart, each evening I return, bearing within my mantle's ample folds all that my scythe has gathered. And then I scatter them to the four winds of Heaven!When the high billows run, when the heavens weep, and shrieking winds lash ocean into madness, then in the turmoil and the tumult do I fling myself upon the surging waves, and lo! the tempest softly cradles me, as in her hammock sways a queen. The foaming waters cool my weary feet, burning from bathing in the falling tears of countless generations that have clung to them in vain endeavour to arrest my steps.


  • Gustave Flaubert (auteur)

    Gustave Flaubert est né en 1821. La parution de Madame Bovary en 1857 est une véritable révolution dans le monde des lettres et lui vaudra d'être jugé pour outrage à la morale publique et religieuse et aux bonnes moeurs. Il est également l'auteur d'oeuvres prépondérantes dans la littérature française du XIXème siècle, telles que Salammbô, L'Éducation sentimentale et Bouvard et Pécuchet.

Auteur(s) : Gustave Flaubert

Infos techniques

Editeur : CULTUREA

Auteur(s) : Gustave Flaubert

Publication : 27 septembre 2023

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre broché

Poids (en grammes) : 109

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3442

EAN13 Livre broché : 9791041953356

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