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Quality is a form of management that is composed of the double approach of driving an organization towards excellence, while conforming to established standards and laws. The objective of quality confers advantages to companies: it makes them more resilient to change that can be unexpected or even chaotic; it makes them more competitive by identifying those steps in processes that do not offer added value.

No longer the concern of a small community of experts, even scientists and engineers working in the private sector will find that they will have to confront questions related to quality management in their day-to-day professional lives. This volume offers such people an unique entry into the universe of quality management, providing not only a cartography of quality standards and their modes of application - with particular attention to the ISO standards - but also a broader cultural context, with chapters on the history, prizes, deontology and moral implications of systems of quality management. This book thus opens the door to all those eager to take the first steps to learning how the principles of quality are organized today, and how they can be applied to his or her own activity.


  • Michel Jaccard (auteur)

    Scientifique de formation, Michel Jaccard savoure la vie auprès de sa famille après une carrière bien remplie dans le monde économique et académique. Entré en loge à l’âge de 21 ans, ancien Président du Groupe de Recherche Alpina ( et 33o REAA, il s’est très tôt passionné par le symbolisme, la Franc-maçonnerie, son histoire, le rite qu'il pratique, et a donné nombre de conférences en Suisse et à l’étranger. Il a aussi longuement médité sur le tarot de Marseille pour en rechercher les significations originelles.

Auteur(s) : Michel Jaccard

Infos techniques


Auteur(s) : Michel Jaccard

Publication : 26 avril 2013

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre relié

Poids (en grammes) : 922

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3178, 3177

EAN13 Livre relié : 9782940222650

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